Aug 28, 2007
The purpose of this show is to provide you with another festival podcast preview! This show has been created to promote the upcoming SunTrust Big Lick Blues Festival.
We started off this Big Lick Preview show with I Ain’t Playin by Little Rodger and the Cheap Thrills, winner of the 2007 Blue Ridge Blues Society’s blues competition. Who else are we gonna hear to preview our festival? Well, how about John Hammond, Push Come to Shove, Butter, Jitterbug Swing; Jimmy Thackery, Mercury Blues, Trouble Man, You Got Work To Do; Paul Thorn, Accept My Love, Turnip Greens, It’s a Great Day to Whup Somebody’s Ass, I’d Rather Be a Hammer Than a Nail; Jimmy Hall, Love Will, Midnight to Daylight, and Cold Funk.