Dec 14, 2007
This show is a great one! We started off the show with a tune called 'May Christmas Bring You Happiness' by Chick Willis. We’ll hear two great Jimmie Bratcher songs, Man, It's Christmas! and What Child Is This?; then we’ll hear from Mel Brown and the Homewreckers, Don’t Plan No Party This Christmas; Roomful of...
Dec 5, 2007
This is show #38, Funny Bone Blues for the first part of December, 2007.
Other than Papa Joe Grappa, we’ll hear from The Red Herrings, Shaking Hands; Dr. Duke Tumatoe with You’ve Got the Problem; Papa Joe Grappa, Old If You’re Lucky; Mean Gene Kelton, Let Me Pump Your Gas; Creepy Elders, Italian Blues; Ernie...